Hire - Quick Help

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Shoreintel is a hiring solution, giving recruiters the opportunity to post unlimited Jobs, preview candidate profiles by attracting the next generation talent of potential candidates to ensure great hiring experience faster than ever.

Find the great fit candidates for the right job in a simple, convenient and cost-effective way to modernize the recruiting process. Have access to relevant candidate profiles by receiving the quality applications directly to your inbox.

  • Get Started and Build Your Team
  • Post a free Job and Share
  • Applicants apply to their dream Job
  • Engage and Hire Top Talent
  • Experience the ‘hired right’ feeling

Here are the 6 most important job posting guidelines to help you Post Jobs professionally.

Advertise for one person separately

  • “Looking to hire 10 Salespeople”
  • “Looking to hire a Sales Representative”

Clarify the location of your open job

  • “Looking to hire a Developer in Boston or New York”
  • “Looking to hire a Developer in Boston, Massachusetts”

Mention the specific job title of your open position

  • “See our job openings” or “Hiring now”
  • “Looking for a Senior Account Manager”

Write informative job descriptions – not too long or too short

  • “We are looking to hire a Marketing Assistant. Please send your resume at ABC@company.com”

Avoid buzzwords or inaccurate job titles

  • “We are looking for a Rockstar Engineer”
  • “We are looking for a Python Developer”

Opt for neutral, unbiased language

  • “We are looking for a salesman with at least 5 years of experience” or “We are looking for a youthful, energetic designer”
  • “We are looking for a salesperson with experience in X software” or “We are looking for a designer”

You can easily contact the support team by selecting your account Icon on the top-left side of the screen and click on ‘Contact Support’ from the dropdown. Fill the required details before you submit and the support team will be notified via email.

You can share your feedback anytime by selecting your account Icon on the top-left side of the screen and click on ‘Share Now’ from the dropdown. Fill the required details before you submit and the support team will be notified via email.

Posting & Managing Jobs

Shoreintel offers a variety of Job Posting subscription plans that differ based on the number of jobs you need to post. You can start off with Hire Basic which is free for 60 days to understand the product functionalities so you can get a firm understanding of how Shoreintel actually works. To view and compare the plans, please visit the ‘Manage Subscriptions’ module on the dashboard.

Go to 'Jobs' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Select ‘Add Job’ to post a new Job. Do not forget to fill the required fields before you get to ‘View & Edit Past Job’ page. Click on ‘Import & Edit Job’, assign it to your team members and click on ‘continue’ to view the Job description page. Click on ‘Preview’ to preview the ‘Job Post’ which you are about to post.

Go to 'Jobs' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Select 'View All Jobs' to view the list of jobs posted. Search by Job Title or Location to display the job that you want to edit. Click on 'Edit Job' present below Job ID to take you to the edit job page. Make changes as you wish and do not forget to 'Save' for your edits to reflect. 

Go to 'Jobs' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Select ‘View All Jobs’ to view the list of Jobs posted. Search by Job Title to display the Job that you want to close. Click on ‘Closed’ from the dropdown present in the ‘Status’ column to close a Job you want.

Go to 'Jobs' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Select ‘View All Jobs’ to know the number of Jobs posted at the bottom of the table mentioned as entries.

Managing Applicants

Go to 'Applicants' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Click on ‘View All Applicants’ to view the list of Job Applicants. You can filter Applicants by Job Title/ Work Skills or by Location as you wish.

Go to 'Applicants' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Click on ‘View All Applicants’ to view the list of Job Applicants. Select the Applicant you want from the ‘Applicant Name’ column to track the application status present in his profile.

Go to 'Applicants' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Select ‘View All Applicants’ to know the number of applicants at the bottom of the table mentioned as entries

Go to 'Applicants' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Click on ‘View All Applicants’ to view the list of Job Applicants. Select the Applicant you want from the ‘Applicant Name’ column, click on ‘Application Status’, you can change the Applicant’s Status by selecting one of the statuses from the dropdown.

Go to 'Applicants' on the left menu of the Dashboard. Click on ‘View All Applicants’ to view the list of Job Applicants. Select the Applicant you want from the ‘Applicant Name’ column to view the Applicant’s profile summary.

Account Settings

Go to ‘Account Settings’ on the top-left side of your Dashboard, select ‘Manage’, go to ‘Security Matters’ to the right and click on ‘view’ present below ‘Change Password’, enter your current, new, re-type passwords to reset/change your password before saving it. 

Go to ‘Account Settings’ on the top-left side of your Dashboard, select ‘Manage’ from the dropdown. Go to Security Matters, click on ‘view’ present below ‘Recovery’. Click on ‘Edit’ and enter your Alternate Email Address and Alternate Phone Number before saving them.

Go to Account and click on ‘Company Profile’ from the left menu of the Dashboard. Click on ‘Add New Location’, fill all the required details of the new location and save it.

Go to ‘Account Settings’ on the top-left side of your Dashboard, select ‘Manage’ from the dropdown. In ‘Manage Your Personal Information’ you can edit your personal info by clicking on ‘Edit’ and the details will be saved.

Go to Account and click on ‘Company Profile’ from the left menu of the Dashboard to view all the details of your company.